Captain D's

The & Partnership


Much of my time on the Captain D's account was spent coming up with promo lines for their different dishes.

Though we're in the northeast, after my work was done, my dad insisted we visit a Captain D's — the closest one being in Virginia. So, we took a road trip. My "Don't Skimp on the Shrimp" promo was already in the store.

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Website Copy

The website copy was giving the creative desk an especially hard time. One morning, our senior copywriter was out, and I was personally asked by the CCO to tackle it. The copy I wrote that day ended up being the backbone of the copy that landed on the final site, and included several of my nautical jokes. Hope they don’t make you seasick.

Social Posts

For some of these, I spoke (read: squawked) through the voices of Dave and Desmond, the two enthusiastic Captain D's "mascots." They're two seagulls who love Captain D's food... but can never eat it because they can't get in the restaurant. Though I myself am not a seagull, I felt a kindred connection.

These were scheduled posts, some with artwork given prior that I was asked to write to, and some art was generated after the lines were written (e.g., the holiday lines). 

Web Module Copy

There are lots of fish in the sea, and Captain D's has pretty much all of them. I was tasked with writing descriptions for each, providing simple information about every different type without getting bogged down in any hard facts — keeping it cheery and feel-good to eat.